
Welcome.  So glad you are joining Destinations-in-Action on this exciting adventure.

As a collaborative network for industry leaders and managers (and those aspiring to be), Destinations-in-Action is centered on helping everyone to lead in the moment, bringing working knowledge and thought-provoking ideas from practitioners, researchers, consultants, and the academic community about the progressive field of management and governance as applied to regional and local communities-as-destinations.

By revealing how these ideas can be activated, Destinations-in-Action is intent on showing how communities-as-destinations can become and remain compelling…expand their potential to be magnetic and magical, meaningful and magnificent…and, how tourism can cultivate relationships and create truly aspirational forms of community shared value.

By encouraging involvement and contributions from all subscribers, Destinations-in-Action hopes to become the inspirational knowledge-gathering and -dissemination platform for all regional and community hosts…helping DMOs, sectoral trade associations, NGOs, all levels of government and education, policy and place-makers, entrepreneurs and employers, employees and residents to…

  •  Advance their expertise and circle of competence through fresh insights into how best to improve the management, leadership, and governance of their communities-as-destinations, provided through networked community-wide collaboration;

  • Develop their inner sense of captaincy, driven by a more fulsome awareness of tourism’s purpose, potential and progress in service to the common good and essential in maintaining integrity;

  • Clarify and ensure that all touristic activities and experiences deliver on the promises made to customers, communities and their citizens.

Despite the struggles associated with growth and adapting to the challenges of the day, Destinations-in-Action exists to help contextualize, analyze, and resolve the issues at hand, while encouraging everyone to…

  • Strive for prosperity through the pursuit of excellence and genuine progress;

  • Demonstrate pride and passion for place, planet, and related organizational pursuits;

  • Enhance their destination’s ability to resonate and radiate virtuous positivity;

  • Create and design experiences that derive from a true sense of principled purpose;

  • Enact  honorable, just and fair policies to achieve a favorable presence;

  • Expand and distribute tourism’s benefits while limiting its excesses and undesirable tendencies;  

  • Build connections, coalitions and a sense community to resolve polarities and seek progressive cohesion;

  • Unleash potential, inspire confidence and establish trust.

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Leading, managing and transforming communities-as-destinations