Contribute (publish)

As a forum for advancing the practice of managing destinations, ‘Prime Movers’, ‘Partners’ and ‘Patrons’ are encouraged to contribute content that serves to highlight, explain, and bring to life topics of interest to actual practitioners, industry personnel, advisors and policy makers.

Ideally most articles should make significant contributions, be credible, grounded in fact, concise, easy-to-understand, digest, and apply.  Here is a framework identifying various types of submissions being sought:

  •  Features.  At any time, articles related to the practice of managing regions or communities-as-destinations, hospitality and tourism enterprises can be submitted. This might also include application of theories and research findings, as well as topics related to:

Governance, managing, leadership, decision-making.

Partnerships, networking, tourism clusters, coalitions, committees, and teamwork.

Planning, policy, strategy, and value creation.

Financing and fund-raising.

Marketing, branding and communications.

Hosts, visitors, citizens and their experiences.

Service and hospitality.

Heritage, design, architecture and place-making.

All industry sectors, associations, and NGOs.

Festivals, events, and entertainment.

Training, education and entrepreneurship.

Technologies, AI, IT, digitalisation and data.

Operations, processes, and practices.

Labor, stakeholders, suppliers, supply/value chains and procurement.

Liaisons with other economic/social/cultural sectors.

Demand and supply issues, capacities and growth.

Jobs, careers and work/leisure.

Transportation, mobility, security and emergencies.

Environment, climate, sustainability, and unreasonable impacts.

Law, regulations, and risk.

Purpose, principles, mission, and vision.

Profits, performance, pricing, prosperity and progress.

Adaptability and resilience, trends and eco-systems.

Creativity, innovation and transformation; etc.

  • Emerging Insights. Opinions, new ideas, including case studies and explanations of successes or failures related to experiments, practices, projects, policies, networking, collaboration, etc. will always be welcome.

  • Experience.  We’re all curious about, and inspired by, the wisdom of others. Interviews and podcasts with, and advice from, thought leaders, even reviews of books pertinent to managing communities-as-destinations will be accepted.

  • Themes.  Contributors (Prime Movers or Partners) can suggest a theme - consisting of two or three articles - that they would like to contribute to and edit. I would like a brief explanation of the topic’s relevance for communities-as-destinations or visitor-serving enterprises, including a preferable publishing date.

  • Policy documents. Feel free to submit any (or links to) documents or position papers, along with commentary that you believe will enlighten and be valuable to those involved or interested in the leadership and management of communities-as-destinations.

  • Network news. As Destination-in-Action Networks are created as registered as a ‘Partner’, they can submit local news regarding upcoming projects, annual reports, accomplishments, transformational ideas, etc.

None of us have all the answers to pressing problems, so why not ask your questions? Let Destinations-in-Action be your ‘Question Book’. These can be asked in the comment section (following an article), as a Note, or in an e-mail to Destination-in-Action.

Frequency of on-line publication will depend on what’s in the pipeline.  I hope to publish weekly, though there may be teething problems at the outset as membership grows gradually and becomes engaged.  Of course, I will always have something to say!

All articles must be written in a style and language appropriate for practitioners, be grammatically correct and concise. Try not to exceed a 1,500 word count as many submissions will be read on mobile devices.

It may help to have submissions professionally vetted and edited prior to submitting them, especially if English is not your main language. When submitting all authors should provide their title and organizational affiliation.

Do be aware, I do not have the time or inclination to edit submissions.  While I am open to a diversity of opinions and ideas, I will determine and notify contributors as to what is acceptable (given the nature of the audience and purpose of Destinations-in-Action) appropriate, accepted,or not.  

For a more specific idea as to what is expected, the submission guidelines from the Harvard Business Review and Strategy and Business serve our purpose well. Both these publications representing great templates for the type and style of meaningful managerial material expected by readers and members of Destinations-in-Action

As a future-forward journey for advancing managerial knowledge for communities-as-destinations worldwide, I look forward to working with you as dedicated opportunity-seekers and problem-solvers intent on revitalizing and transforming communities-as-destinations through tourism…ensuring a culture of civility, caring, continuous improvement through innovation and transformation.

Everyone encouraging each other to lead, to contribute and, of course, to Astonish!