
Subscribe to learn and engage.                                                  

Destinations-in-Action serves to inform and activate leaders, policy-makers and managers; planners, designers, and developers; place-makers and place-seekers; employers and employees; professors and students; citizens and visitors – everyone who has an interest in ensuring that communities-as-destinations enlighten and are enlightened, that tourism and the art of hosting and hospitality can and will bring meaning, contentment and joy to everyone. 

Subscription for ‘Prodigies

This free, basic option serves as a bulletin or newsletter.  It includes a lot of short-form content, plus a synopsis of, or links to, current management thinking that is gleaned from tourism news agencies, publications such the Harvard Business Review, including newsletters from consultancies and NGOs.

It does not, however, provide access to my (free) e-books or most in-depth articles or submissions, nor the opportunity to comment on articles

Given the merits associated with becoming a fully engaged and influential ‘Prime Mover’, however, the following two options may be more appealing and beneficial.

Membership for ‘Prime Movers’

Destinations-in-Action is intentionally designed as a collaborative forum for the exchange of views on the management of communities-as-destinations. 

For those who opt to pay $5.00/month, you will receive all the benefits for ‘Prime Movers’ but will be unable to access my free e-books.

By choosing the annual fee of $50.00 per year, (less than the cost for one cup of coffee or tea per week) you will get far more for your money as members will have access to both of my (free) e-books:

  • Edu-Tourism, SMART Tourism (180+ pages), that I wrote a decade ago but have not published until now, and

  • Astonish! Smarter Tourism by design (a 4 volume 1,000+ page opus) which calls for meaningful change - the rationale for starting Destinations-in-Action.

    NOTE: For the first few months subscriptions will be FREE. As soon as I launch ‘paid subscriptions’ the books will be available.

    To initiate transfer of the books, e-mail me ( confirming your subscription as a ‘Prime Mover’ or ‘Partner” with your name and e-mail address.

As noted by one reviewer, Astonish! is “…a current, essential, and comprehensive resource providing a wide-ranging and idiosyncratic worldview of tourism as pertains to transforming communities-as-destinations…” Its uniqueness as a thought-provoking reference (not a textbook) is revealed through an amazing number of links, most pertaining to achieving excellence in the management of destinations, including a wealth of questions for undertaking deep-dive destination assessments. 

As a means for discovering opportunities and creating solutions to pressing problems, Destinations-in-Action encourages all ‘Prime Movers’ to become actively involved in their communities through networking, connecting and sharing with colleagues…everyone relentlessly striving, on behalf of their organizations and communities-as-destinations, to re-invent and excel.

‘Prime Mover’ membership benefits include:

  • Access to a wide range and exchange of resource materials.

  • Opportunities to submit and contribute valuable real-world insights, opinions, experiences, case studies, stories, notes, links, advice, and comments about topics related to advancing the management, revival, and transformation of destinations  and visitor-serving organizations.

  • Encouragement and resources required to undertake deep-dive destination assessments.

  • Recognition and promotion of existing and newly established Destination-in- Action Networks, Centers for Destination Excellence and/or Destination Innovation Hubs.

  • Knowledge about identifying and unlocking innovation, the transformation and revitalization of communities-as-destinations…the means toward achieving meaningful ‘wellth’, value, results, and outcomes of importance for everyone.

  • Privileged access to more extensive research/articles that provide profound analysis of topics and concepts mentioned in my e-book, Astonish! or elsewhere.

  • Occasions to expand and develop personal/organizational networks and brand- building opportunities.

For academic communities - professors, researchers, students, journal editors, and conference organizers - Destinations-in-Action urges you to summarize and share your research insights that will advance the field of leadership and management as relates to communities-as-destinations. Please read the section for guidelines reagarding how best to Contribute (publish).

As ‘Prime Movers’, you deserve to be well-published, and in a position to influence those community and business leaders who have agency…audiences who will act on your findings and recommendations.

Sponsorship by ‘Partners’ and ‘Patrons’

Organizational support for Destinations-in-Action is greatly appreciated.   Contributing partners or patrons are likely to be: Existing networks, corporations, educational institutions, DMOs, NGOs, indeed individual leaders and all private/public organizations that support or derive benefit from communities-as-destinations and want to put their know-how and skills to work,

The annual fee $250.00 (or higher) will be used to enhance the ongoing efforts by Destinations-in-Action build Networks, Destination Innovation Centers, or Centers for Destination Excellence.

Through their generous philanthropic gestures or donations, ‘Partners’ and ‘Patrons’ will facilitate the ongoing transformations of communities-as-destinations by being:

  • Solution-oriented contributors to Destinations-in-Action and the causes that link their brands with the creation and capture of meaningful value for communities and their tourism clusters.

  • Promoters within their organizations, industry sectors, and destinations, bringing their strategic minds to bear on the creation and sharing of new knowledge about innovation, transformation and the management of communities-as-destinations.

  • Benefactors of educational institutions, supporting students enrolled in college and university tourism programs through scholarships or bursaries; or, by underwriting some of the costs for undertaking destination assessments or projects for researchers or students;   

  • Mentors and career-developers for meritorious applicants or students requiring co-op placements, part or full-time employment.

  • Network and relationship-builders bringing together a vast array of movers- and-shakers committed to improving their communities-as-destinations and the management of destinations in ways that can achieve super-linear results beneficial for everyone.

All ‘Partners and Patrons’ will receive the same benefits as ‘Prime Movers’, and will be listed and recognized for all their contributions with links to their websites.


Regardless of the option you choose, I certainly hope you will regard Destinations-in-Action as a coming together…a vital nodal or staging point, for expanding our knowledge about destination management, and for extending the reach and improving the conversations among and between all of tourism’s stakeholders.